"bila awak setia,awak dapat setia.bila awak main-main,awak dapat permainan semata."
that's how i play with love.i ain't playing when he's really serious.hey,i have a heart u know.
somehow,people keep asking,
"hey,when will you stop doing that?changing partner as u like.isn't it tiring?"
well, my dear friends,who like it?neither do i.i tried to commit and they fail me.i tried to have faith and they hurt me.hey,i tau lah i tak lawa kan.u pun tak hensem lah.
i am easy to get,but i am also easy to go. :)
did you ever ask your partner,who you really are to them?kalau mereka jawab tergagap-gagap,leave him/her.it's obvious that they still don't know the exact answer.i pernah kena ok.ahakz.kantoi gua.on the dot kena tinggal bhai.ROFLMAO.
most of the people nowadays,love the looks.tak percaya?percaya lah.
hey,cantik lah u sekarang.kenapa dulu i tak pernah nampak u eh?
hey,u dah lawa lah.dulu u selekeh je kan?
wow,bergaya lah u sekarang.i like.
f*ck the bullshits.and that's the people who declare themselves love you?oh my,mereka penipu besar dalam dunia ni.
i left my partner when i feel that they couldn't give back what i gave.
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tanam,tanam,tanam.sampai masa nanti aku gali balik.100 tahun lagi mungkin. |
so,there's something i wanna ask,
i change my partner frequently,does it mean that i'm playing with their hearts?
footnote : i hardly reject people,but easily left people.kejam kan?ahaa,two questions there. :)
buat apa kau rasa terbaik untuk diri kau
semua main main je sekarang ni. tak ikhlas. ><
i'll change when the time comes.
dear,bukan semua.tak boleh guna ayat tu tau.when he's the one,takde dah istilah main2 tu.believe me babe.mybe rite now it's not your time yet.and it doesnt mean there's nobody who sincere out there.
pergi mne2b or jmpe sape2 pon..
law bab cinta..
owg akn ckp cmnie
"sabar...xsume cm2..
mgkin nt ko akn jmpe ngan owg yg btol2 buat ko....mgkin bkn skrg n nt.
mhkin die bkn owg yg terbaik tuk ko. sabar."
n will wait 4 that day.
tp sampai bile???
smpai da x perlukn dowg ag..
ok..so,mcm tu ye
pakwe aku pon ckp mcm tu doe..lawa u skunk..pe cer?
ahaa,that's the words exactly come from who had been hurt before.
dear,kalau tunggu,tunggu dan tunggu,bkn dye boleh dtg bergolek.we hv to feel some pain to get some gain.doesnt it dear?
ahakz.lu pikir sendiri lah der.keh3
cube kau tnye mcm aku kene."u,i ni siapa pd u eh?"xpun kau serang dye mcm2 lah.tnye soalan yg xmsuk akal pun ok.tgk lah dye jwb mcm mne.the way he answers u,kau boleh tau dye ikhlas ke tak.goodluck babe! :)
try to do the best for myself
no biggie dear.
anything u wanna share,share lah :)
kite kn sama-sama perempuan :)
ok tootsie..
suke kawan ngan kamu..
nt law sy ase cm pale cam bangang je..
sy kongsi..
thanks tootsie sayang..
p/s i'm not les k..
that's what friend for my dear :)
no prob.as u wish.i'll be your listener.
and i pun bkn les.LOL.
tu la yu
lambat jumpa ai
ai ni setia tau
setia hangguk aku la
sebelum aku jumpa makwe terkini memang aku macam ape yang kau ckp tu
suka tukar2 makwe, curang2
kini tak lagi
tapi kalau dia tinggalkan aku
padan muka aku atas kejahatan2 yg aku lakukan dulu
harap tak,
sebab semua org nk yang indah2 yang manis2 yang best2 dalam hidup nya kan?
aku pon sama
hahahaahaha. ok2.
xnk jd cm platipus n hiro.
dowg 2 gay agk nye...
xjumpe yu lg bagus yu tau tak?
kah kah kah!
normal lah tu.karma strikes.
semua nk yg indah tak nak derita,tp mereka lupa derita dulu sebelum indah.
duniaAbstrak- bile lelaki buat pengakuan..
law sume owg laki sedar cm ko tkpe la..
ni bile kte tgglkn die...
die maki kte..
time die tgglkn owg..die xpk lak..
gila kau
t aku sediakan pen dan paper la
soalan subjektif 50 soalan jwb 1 jam
hiro : bisex
platipus : bisex
tootsie : straight
haa.yg tu lg satu jenis.dye yg buat salah,org lain pulak yg disalahkan.kalau u jumpe org mcm tu,be grateful sbb u dh terlepas azab.when he left u,that's mean lelaki jahat tu bkn utk u. :)
lu gedik!gedik sgt!mane belajar ni?
woi2 tapi aku penah gak derita
aku pernah pon di tinggalkan huk3
cepat kesian kat aku
Huhu. yang pasal cantik, lawa n bergaya tu penah kene. itu ayat nk mengayat je. pegi jalan lahh labuu
that's what i mean with karma strikes.yg ad skg ni jage lah elok2 k.igt ayat kaler merah tu.
ah,yg tu,yg tu,ayat romeo lapuk.skg dh lawa bru nk bukak mata.dulu masa comot,sikit pun tak pandang.stok mcm ni,buat kikis duit ok lah.
Hahaha! Agree! grrrr...
tootsie- mmg owg cm2 ak reject awal2.
ngat die je taw maki??
ak xtaw??
huh..kuang asam...
duniaAbstrak- ak xckp ko la...
ak ckp, at least ade gk laki yg mngaku cm ko....
law x??
hmpeh nk ngaku salah sndiri..
fewit..lawa lah bulu kaki awak...tergoda tau...
thx dear :)
duniamuabstrak- hahaahaha
ko mmg bangang...
bulu kaki gk yg ko nmpk..
LOL.chill babe.org2 mcm tu ignore je.klu dye nk gduh,kau gduh la.tp make sure strategi gaduh kau tu mantap,kalau tak,better diam dr memperbodohkan diri sndr.
bulu hidung awak lg mengancam lah.rebonding ye?
tootsie- ko nk taw x cari ak maki die???
ak blik umah ak maki la..die..
die xdgr pon..
laww depan2 xde ak nk layan owg cm die..
biar die buat apre yg die nk buat.
bile da penat nt die bhenti r..
n saat 2 nk cari ak???
baik ko berambus la....labu...
(bak kate faseeha..)
~fais~ T__T sory...sory...sory
LOL,gitu kau je lah yg sakit.tp xpe asalkan kau puas hati.anything u do,just be wise babe. :)
duniamuabstrak- hahahaha
ape sory2??
sory naik lori r...
anyway..bkn bulu kaki ak pon..
skati ko la...
bak kte tootsie- law ko tgk bulu kaki owg...
nt owg tgk bulu kaki t___t ko..
sape xsayang awek an??
so?? jge die..
eh,i ckp psl karma.bkn psl bulu kaki.hehe.
chill fais,duniakuabtrak just bergurau.he's trying to live up the atmosphere. :)
power lar ayat lu..
lu kn mangsa brainwash gua. :)
gua masih ingat ayat paling atas tu...hahaha
aww,yu igt lg?dats why i like u more and more.LOL.
ayat tu pedihhh kot...
tusuk pedih hati gua.
urrgghhh lorve again???
no comment/s..
"Keep it real"
(Ali G cakap)
juz chill to get ur own life beb..
"Lets get togehter n feel alrite"
(Bob Marley plak cakap)
lorve is juz an additional to ur life..
find the real meaning of LORVE in diz life..
wats dat??
oso try to find wut the meaning of dat word..
last but not the end,
*tootsie akan bace komen guwa lepas die bangun tdo tghari sok
do u have the guts?
do i have it??
yes for sure..
dats y i keep on coming here to drop some nasty words..
Pressed on their conscience..
cz guys are stupid.
and stupid.
yang ni aku xyah belajar dr sesapa..cuma ilham dtg dr kau laaaaa
woi,woi,woi!lu tikam belakang gua.lu bkn xtau gua nk kt lu.lu pass gua kt hiro asal?LOL.
tertusuk ye bang?lain kali jgn buat lg ok.syg awak :D
ah,lu jgn nk cakap lu takde feeling.bkn gua xtaw lu simpan perasaan kt gua.keh3.
btw,hello tambi,siapa yg bgun tgahari ni woi??
ok,sy suke macy komen.
pernah terkena ye syg?
chill dear.someday somehow,the real one will come :)
ah,kau nk ckp aku gedik lah?
aww.ai xmrh yu.ai mmg gedik pun.
ouch..lu ni player ekk?bile nak ragut hati gua plak?keh keh keh..
xpe..aku suka kau yg gedikgedik tu
pehhh Y,Y
gua xkacau pkwe org bhai.pantang weyh.
lu lg panas.
aku pun suke kau yg ganas2 gtu.otak masukombaklaut.LOL.
komen anda tidak dapat difahami.
guwa tdo kul 7 la dol..
kire ok la dapat bangon tghari..
selalu pas maghrib baru guwa bangon..
memang guwa ade perasaan kat lu pon..
nanti guwa jumpe lu,
guwa nak luah abes2..
kompom lu cair..
tu pun ad org kejut.kalau tak mmg lu tidur mampus smpi ke petang.
lu jgn jujur sgt,wa ni cepat terpikat dgn org jujur ni.ROFLMAO.
Time kaseh kat awek guwa sbb tolong kejot tghari tadi..
padahal lu yang simpan perasaan kat guwa..
blah la lu..
esok gua ckp kt 'awek' lu tu xyh kejut lu lagi.bru lu tau.
lu yg mengharap,nk kalis ke gua lak.cis.
janganla weyh..
wa nak exam sok..
plz bgtau kat die suh kejot sok..
wa pernah dengar ade "orang cakap" ;
Jangan berharap sangat, nanti keciwa..
lu pernah dengar tak??
ni chatbox o comment box??
kompius syal..
best plak quote kat atas ni.
wohoooooooooooo, 63 tu.
urm, kenapa emos ni yayunk?
pujuk la weyh!pujuk!KAH KAH KAH :P
ah,lu ciplak!ni yg gua tacing ni.
ni alternative box,lu nk dye jd pape dye leh jd.
best kn?i gv it to someone before. :)
bese lah emos yunk,bru tinggalkan laki lah yunk.bkn kne tinggal,tp meninggal.
swear gua jeleous ngan lu..
gua xkuat nak left people ni..
easy to say that wanna to break..
but hard to move alone..
gua follow lu:)
**fatian athiea,
tp bende ni bukan mainan.
hati kne kuat.when u have been played for several time,u get used to it,then this is what u will become.
u are right! can't agree more.. but then, too many things u have to look at in a relationship i guess..
memang complicated bukan?
**rebelle me,
u r certainly right my dear :)
too many things to care of before u go for a SERIOUS relationship.i mean REAL SERIOUS relationship. :)
it's complicated if we complicate it :)
the footnote.. resersible ngan aku..
suka mereject. susah nak lepas.
yang~ sekarang gua dah cantik. ramai kata begitu. demmm.
gua tau dulu gua selekeh.
tu zaman belom puberty. diam!
1st nk ckp..sory der..aku ngat ko laki..picca kecik tuh nmpk cm montot laki jerk!!!
sory ea...
komen entry..
hish..aku menci tol klo laki ckp camtuh
'hey,cantik lah u sekarang.kenapa dulu i tak pernah nampak u eh?'
aku rsa cm nk bg mkn kasut jerk!!!*emo nk mati!!!
**naj hebat,
susah weyh kalau ssh nk lepas.nnt lu kecewa menonggeng.lu sorang je yg tertonggeng.balak lu tade hal pun.
psl lawa tu,common babe.bile dh berubah,bru nk terbelalak mata dyeorg.
LOL.i have heard it before babe.no worries lah.i dont mind.ok what kalau aku laki kn?hik3 :D
bout the lawa thinggy,alah,girl pun sme,nmpk hensem mule lah nk tergedik-gedik.
cinta rupa memang tak kekal. Seriously.
tapi tu dah macam realiti. Jangan harap lah lelaki nak have a second look at you without the looks. lagipon, semua orang cantik in their own way. =) apa yang aku merepek ni?I have no idea. But then, u deserve the best, and if his is not the one, so why bother sticking around, kan?
**bukan gadis comel,
if he's not the one,so why bother sticking around.
me likey!
we hv the same thought my dear. :)
sometimes you play with people's hearts,
sometimes they play with yours.
that's just how the world works. anyone who doesn't concur, newsflash: ideal world doesn't exist.
so be realistic.
haha. ive got my share of broken hearts. =)
oh! Ada typo kat komen first. baru perasan. haha. sorry. =P
ideal world?it's such a bluff.even when sometime people would say that they were the most ideal couple ever,at the end the end up badly.
**bukan gadis comel,
LOL.no worries babe,i got your point :)
ni la hidup.. kadang2 best kadang2 tak best..
well, chenta...
singgahlah ke blog, 28hari: jurnal chenta di mana kamu?
boleh berkongsi cerita n pendapat :)
gua tak tau nak cakap apa..sikit je gua nak cakap..agak kejam juga. gua rasa.
salam..boleh guna ayat ko untuk mengayat awek ni..setuju lak aku kali ni
**hamzah ian,
kau bace entri?kau baca entri?serious???wow!LOL.
**izzad b*,
i will.thx for inviting ;)
kalau kau lah kn,awek tu buat tak tahu psl kau,kau cr dye lebih byk dr dye cr kau,r u gonna wait?
well,i wont.that's why i left him.
kau jgn gune ayat aku untuk mainkan perempuan ok.aku bom kau nnt.
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